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What a great idea! Help people to improve their health and make money at the same time!
Do you know people who would be interested in buying a juicer? Do you have a business related to health and healthy products? Would you like to intorduce our juicers to your market? If this is the case let us know and we can supply you with our juicers for wholesale prices. We are looking for new partners and distributors. In case of your interrest send us a short idea of the cooperation and a short information about you and your life.
You can contact us at info@eujuicers.com.
Are you a juicer manufacturer and have a device which you think is missing in our range? Please let us know. We have been testing machines since 1992 and would be glad to test your device. Should your machine prove itself and shows good results, we will add it to our range. Should your juicer not pass our approval testing, you will receive our personal rating on the juicer and recommendation.
It is long way the machine has to travel from a factory to the customer´s door. Between the factory and end customer there are more participants in this chain who take care of the delivery process. There is also a way back from the customer to the factory which feedback and information have to take. This direction is sometimes more difficult to take and some information might change or might even get lost completely on its way back.
For the factory/manufacturer this feedback is important in order to know how the product is rated by customers, what are the strengths and weaknesses or what needs to be improved. This is the only way the manufacturer will remain competitive on the today´s market.
We stand between the customer and the factory. Our aim is ensure all the important information and customer´s feedback goes back to the manufacturer. Besides passing all this on to the manufacturer we also do our own testing of all machines we get our hands on. As we have tested a wide variety of the world’s finest juicers, we have valuable information to offer.
Our vast experience and customer feedback about yours and other machines should be of interest to you. Since 1992 we have been compiling information which we would like to share with you as manufacturer.
If you would like to contact please send us an email to info@eujuicers.com.